
their are many smart people but only a few people know the true meaning of scinece and i guess your one of these people keep up the fantastic work and youll do fine.

your defiantly a genuis come on!!!!! you better not be stressing your self out youve done great if you keep this work up you will suceed in life !!!!!!!

Created by: angela

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. who is more domminet
  2. if a female has XX what does a male have X..
  3. to have blue eyes which one is it
  4. how many chromosomes has a female got
  5. how many chromosomes has a male got
  6. what do we breathe in
  7. what leaves our body
  8. what pollutes more
  9. if we have 24 chromosomes from our mum do we have a problem with us
  10. if one of our parents have huntington diesea will we have it

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