KOTLC Ability Test

This is a quiz to find out what your KOTLC Ability is. Just choose whatever question sounds right to you. It's more accurate when you just go with your instincts.

Have fun in the quiz!! Hopefully your results are accurate!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyy have funnnnnnnnnnn do greatttttttt yayyyyy you can do it!!!!!!!!! Have fun

Created by: Jade
  1. What Ability do you want? (Doesn't mean you'll get it)
  2. Who is your Fav Character?
  3. What place do you like most?
  4. What do you feel most connected to?
  5. What's your fav color?
  6. dont answer this
  7. dont answer this
  8. dont answer this just skip these ones
  9. skip this
  10. And finally..... Lets get the results!!!

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