Knicky - who's that?

There are a lot of people in the world, and not many that you know. And even those that you know, do you know them very well? Do you know their likes? Dislikes? Or even just general information?

Do you know of Knicky? Do you know her very well? What does she do? What does she eat? The only way to find out is to take the time and do this quiz.

Created by: Knicky
  1. What is Knicky's middle name?
  2. In what year did Knicky take part in blowing up powerpoints?
  3. What is the correct spelling for Knicky's real name?
  4. Where did Knicky fail when going for her driver's licence?
  5. How many pairs of dance shoes does Knicky currently own? (including ones she doesn't use)
  6. What did Knicky quote in Chemistry in her last year at high school?
  7. How long has Knicky being part of Girl's Brigade?
  8. What colour dress did Knicky wear to her year 12 formal?
  9. The longest car trip Knicky has ever been on has been to where?
  10. Knicky began wearing glasses when she was...
  11. Knicky has done something three times this year and that was...
  12. What is Knicky's Fav season?

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