Kenia's digestion quiz

This quiz was created to test how much we know about the digestive system and their function. Take the quiz and see hou much you know!!. ;]. Remember that our fianl it's almost here and we should be reasy for it.

In a few minutes, you will find out what you need to practice more for the final and what you know already. Remember that our fianl it's almost here and we should be reasy for it.

Created by: Kenia
  1. Where is bile stored?
  2. Duodedum, jejunum and ileum are parts of what digestive organ?
  3. Defecation of undigested materials left over from the food we eat.
  4. The organ system that ingest food, breaks it down into smaller chemical units and absorbs nutrient molecules.
  5. A muscular tube. A passage to stomach.
  6. Section of the small intestine that recieves digestive juices from gallbladder, pancreas and liver.
  7. When the stomach adds the digestive juice to the bolus, the bolus become known as
  8. Mastication is when you...
  9. Small fingerlike extension near to the large intestine
  10. Makes saliva, starts digestion of starch. Produces salivary amylase which moistains the food.

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