Just A Quirk Quiz

Hello, friendos! This is obviously a quirk quiz. These are just a few possibilities of your quirk. Please do not quote me on this or come after me with torches or anything. :)

There are so many quirks out there, it would be hard to pin down what it is with just a few questions. I hope you enjoy this quiz and are satisfied with your quirk.

Created by: Emma B
  1. Do you prefer daytime or nighttime?
  2. Do you like to feel in control?
  3. Whats your favorite color?
  4. Do you feel at home outside?
  5. Whats your favorite number?
  6. Do you prefer to be indoors unless forced outside?
  7. How do you feel about parties?
  8. Do you like looking at clouds?
  9. Do you love animals?
  10. Do you like to surprise people?

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