Is your relationship worth it?

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The way to get the most truthful answer is to answer TRUTHFULLY, and don't be in denial. This world is full of unsure relationships, and a lot of us can be confused sometimes. This quiz won't 100% tell you the truth of your relationship, only you and your partner will know.

This quiz is simply to give advice or just for fun for people who may just be simply confused. I really hope whoever took this quiz really likes their answer. If you didn't like your answer, retake the quiz.

Created by: Yolanda
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long have you two been together?
  2. Are you two compatible physically?
  3. Do you both know how much you love each other?
  4. Do you both know how much you love each other?
  5. Do you feel slowly drifting apart?
  6. Do you feel comfortable in your relationship?
  7. Are you two compatible emotionally?
  8. Would you say the love is unconditional?
  9. You care about their happiness more than your own. And you both feel the same way?
  10. Almost done! Would you honestly die for this person?
  11. Last question! Do you see a "forever" with this person.
  12. Bye! Ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: Is my relationship worth it? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Advice Quiz category.