Is your name Ayal Sharon?

There is only one Ayal Sharon. There is only one Ayal Sharon. There is only one Ayal Sharon. There is only one Ayal Sharon. There is only one Ayal Sharon. There is only one Ayal Sharon. There is only one Ayal Sharon. There is only one Ayal Sharon.

Is your name Ayal Sharon? Is your name Ayal Sharon? Is your name Ayal Sharon? Is your name Ayal Sharon? Is your name Ayal Sharon? Is your name Ayal Sharon? Is your name Ayal Sharon? Is your name Ayal Sharon? Is your name Ayal Sharon?

Created by: Michael

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is your name Ayal Sharon?
  2. This quiz requires at least 10 questions, but the previous question is the only one that really matters, so just answer whatever you want to the remaining questions.
  3. How are you doing today?
  4. What have you been doing lately?
  5. Someone tells you that they stayed up really late finishing that last writing assignment. You reply...
  6. You bring a laptop to class in order to...
  7. 2 + 2 = ?
  8. According to the Sharon mode of constitutional interpretation, if the Supreme Court strikes down a statute, what does one do to ensure that a future version will comply with the Constitution?
  9. The most effective way to get into law school is...
  10. A classmate sets up a chat room in order to discuss important topics during class, but you can't get the chat program to work on your computer. Why?
  11. You know that whatever part of the class lecture you miss you can make up for with your powers of reasoning and deduction. This allows you to...

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Quiz topic: Is my name Ayal Sharon?