Is your 'Friend' fake?

There are many people in the world, but which ones can you trust? People can be using you for whenever they need something, or they can be a true friend.

Is your friend actually a friend? Are they secretly using you? Find out here! Im just warning you, this was made out of EXTREME BOREDOM and really sucks.

Created by: Summer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were invited to his or her house, would it be because
  2. If you needed help they would say,
  3. Say you were at school and your 'friend' was talking to your boyfriend/ girlfriend and you caught them. They would say:
  4. You were talking in a group with them. They would:
  5. Choose something they would do:
  6. Do you feel that they are your friend
  7. You get a new shirt(girls)/skateboard(boys) at the coolest store in town. You lend them the item. They:
  8. Have they ever started rumors/ blamed you?
  9. They are jealous. They would:
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Is my 'Friend' fake?