Is your BFF really your Best Friend?

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Do you want to know if you have true friends? If you do take this quiz and find out the truth. Hopefully you get what you wanted to get as your results.

This quiz could really be for any age range from kids- seniors. Send this quiz to your Bff and see what happens. It's a fun way to find out the truth about your potential Bff.

Created by: Abbie Potter
  1. How long have you known your BFF?
  2. Does your friend know your secrets?
  3. How often do you hang out?
  4. Are you jealous of your BFF?
  5. Are you the first person your Best Friend tells secrets to?
  6. Do they ever tell you that you are the best?
  7. Do you have a meaning full conversation with your Bff?
  8. Is it easy to be yourself in front your Bff?
  9. Do they help you through your own issues?
  10. Do they celebrate your success?

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Quiz topic: Is my BFF really my Best Friend?
