Is He a Good BF?

Boyfriends, boyfriends, boyfriends. Everyone has one! And guess what! So do you now! Although you're happy with him, you're not so sure anymore...

Been fishy about your bfs acts? This quiz says it all & has all the answers you're looking for. Find out if he's been a great bf all along, or if he is worse than you realizes...

Created by: Kate
  1. When you are sad about something that happened with friends/family, what does he do?
  2. Within how long does he answer your texts?
  3. If you tell him you wanna talk about something serious he...
  4. How often does HE insist/bring up that you should hangout?
  5. Does he double text/text you first?
  6. Its date night. Where does he take you?
  7. Does he talk to you at school?
  8. Does he do whatever his friends tell him to do, even if it means risking your relationship?
  9. How long have you been dating?
  10. Have you broken up before?
  11. What is your bfs fav thing about you?

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