Is Destiny for you

This is a Quiz for people who want to no if the ps4 game Destiny wood be a good game for them to get as the next game thea buy or not i wood say not if your in to pvp but lets see What the Quiz has to say

Its not good just to get a game as your family and lot of ps4 playing people r geting it so i am doing this Quiz to help people you can see thet and r about to get Destiny

Created by: Victoryleo
  1. Do you have Destiny
  2. Have you playd Destiny
  3. R you a big pve fan
  4. R you a big pvp fan
  5. Do you like in game damage to bosss to go by dps or How hard you hit the bosss
  6. Do you have a lot of pvp games
  7. Do you play more with play thet r in to pvp or pve
  8. Do you have more pvp games or more pve games
  9. Is this a good Quiz
  10. Y r you doing this Quiz
  11. R you going to do more of my Quizs

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