Infamy Level (Percent out of 100)

Have you ever done something out of rage? Have you ever been troublesome and gotten away with it? Are your actions dictated by your rage? Find how just how much infamy you hold...

This quiz is designed to see exactly how much rage you have inside, and how far you're willing to go. The questions have been taken from medical research based on personality types, results might differ.

Created by: SomeoneBetterThanKat
  1. Could you ever hurt someone if they angered you
  2. What type of things would interest you if money was taken care of
  3. If you were alone with someone, what would run through your head
  4. Does pain play a factor in how you operate?
  5. Out of the options below, what four things matter to you the most
  6. How do you deal with losing someone
  7. when pressed do you turn to violence
  8. How far would you go to achieve something
  9. When around others what goes through your head
  10. Congrats you just wasted your time kat, you're gey

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