In desperate times (for Aria) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz In desperate times (for Aria).

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  • ... why are most of the best, original, sweet, and generally good-to-the-core people that I know all on the internet? Why can't they be near me so that I can just tell them face-to-face how amazing there? I know I use the word amazing and sweet a lot, but, really, you people are amazingly sweet ._. I cannot believe that this didn't show up on the newest quiz list. It's so heartfelt and geniune that I'm actually mad that it didn't have the chance of many people reading it.

    About Aria, for starters, that comment down there v. This quiz is for her, and she's at home with stitches, recovering painfully, yet most of that comment is 1. inspirational and hopeful to anyone who is teased or bullied 2. praising and thanking other people - regarding this, she has as many quizzes dedicated to other people as she has for her own stories. To take so much time to make others feel special and to express how much she appreciates them... one of the quizzes I'd like to bring as an example is the one she made after she was feeling down, dedication to natuhleegayle and others. It's just so... I don't know, I just feel that it's so sincere and uplifting, not only to the people in it (I was the last shout-out and wasn't expecting that at all, and before that, I kept thinking "oh my gosh, I can't believe someone can be this nice..." then I got to my shout-out, and my eyes boggled... I had to read it several times for it to actually sink in [on a sidenote, I just saw your comment on that quiz, missy prissy cat, and I had to reread that one several times too, because I was not expecting something like that either, thank you, you're too nice! :3] Well, I think I'm getting to that 2000 character limit, so adios!

  • Okay so I dunno why I'm now seeing this. I haven't been able to write much lately because my stomach is hurting as I ran around the house with my brother, completely disregarding the fact that I have stitches so im in pure pain here xD Anyway, life goes on (: You are BEAUTIFUL and I respect your honesty. I not gonna lie, at school, I don't have much friends. Why? I don't think it's very "cool" to have a whole gang of friends or 'followers.' DORKS do rule and I'm proud to say I'm a dork (: and naturally, a POTTERHEAD till the very end. My physical state may be weak but my emotional state is working as usual. You're my ray of sunshine, the one who inspired me to stand up in what I believed in. Yeah, I get bullied every once in a while but what the bullies don't know is that I have BELIEF on my side. They can torture me all they want, push me around like I'm some little kid but one day, they'll realise that bullying is what brought them down and pushed me up to the highest level cuz Like a Phoenix, I will rise (: Having a "rep" isn't cool. It just shows you're a wanna be. Being a wanna be is the worst thing a person can be. Just be yourself. You can make a change in the world, even if it's the smallest. Now, I'm not saying to go beat up someone because you hate them or spit in their drink, I'm saying that just relax and keep calm. Destiny will carry you on the road to greatness (: I LOVE YOU ALL GTQ USERS ^_^ You have made my life one that I will always remember, it's been really nice to have each and everyone of you in my life. (:


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