i know-or WHOA!

many people say that smart ones, are immposible to live with! but take this quiz, and you may find yourself knowing, not just the knowable, but a lot weirder tings too!

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: katherine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is a bungalow?
  2. what is a gazebo?
  3. which one?
  4. who blinks more? male-female?
  5. jupiter has _____ moons:
  6. selena is the name of ____ goddess
  7. rewsna eht esoohc
  8. shorts all winter or pants all summer?
  9. iny, miny, miyny, mo!
  10. last! am i, creator of this quiz, a scientist?

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