Our Snack Quizzes
We all love to snack, right? What sort of snacks do you prefer? On this page you will find our snack quizzes, created by other GoToQuiz users. Help us add more by creating a quiz about your favorite snack!
Enjoy These Snacks
- What's Your Potato Chip Flavor?[by: Spas12, rated: 3.74rated: 3.74/5, published: Jan 11, 2011]
Do you like potato chips? Are potato chips your favorite snack? Well, this one is a personality quiz. You can take this quiz and find out what personality…
- What flavor cookie are you?[by: Izzy Knight, rated: 3.52rated: 3.52/5, published: Oct 12, 2008]
We all love cookies right? I sometimes roll around in my bed wondering what type of cookie I am. Just kidding, that would be kind of weird. Anyways if your…
- What Potato Chip Flavor Are You?[by: LemonLime, rated: 4.12rated: 4.12/5, published: Nov 3, 2012]
Have you ever wondered what potato chip flavor you are? Am I fun? Am I boring? Chances are, these questions are floating around in your mind right now, and…
- What chip are you?[by: lemurluver, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: Sep 8, 2013]
There are many different flavors and brands of chips in this world we are living in. Each one can be a description, and a personality! Did you know that? I…
- What Kind of Cookie are You?[by: amazon, rated: 3.34rated: 3.34/5, published: Dec 15, 2009]
Cookies, cookies, cookies! They are sugary and sweet, and have so many different flavors that you can hardly count them all. Have you every imagined the…
- What Snack Food Are You?[by: Maria, rated: 3.32rated: 3.32/5, published: Jan 28, 2007]
Food, what is it all about? Why do we love snacks? I have no clue, and frankly, I don't really care, but Haven't you always wondered what you would be if you…
- What kind of biscuit are you?[by: Oliver Malone, rated: 3.18rated: 3.18/5, published: Nov 20, 2007]
Have you ever wondered what kind of biscuit you are? Now you can find out by taking this fun test! At only just over 20 questions this quick quiz is fun and…
- What Doritos Flavor are you?[by: Fallout3, rated: 3.16rated: 3.16/5, published: Jul 25, 2012]
There are SO many different kinds of Doritos. There're Taco Doritos, Pizza Supreme Doritos, even Hamburger Doritos. And who can forget the original Nacho…
- Which Girl Scout Cookie Are You?[by: Allyson, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: Mar 16, 2007]
Everyone loves a cookie, and everyone has their favorites. Now you have the chance to find out which cookie most closely represents you! Check out the Girl…
- What Kind of Cookie Are You?[by: a cookie, rated: 2.95rated: 2.95/5, published: Apr 6, 2010]
There are many types of people, as there are many types of cookies. Different people have different cookie personalities. The cookie personalities mentioned…
- What Flavour Crisp Are You?[by: ponypassion, rated: 2.86rated: 2.86/5, published: Dec 11, 2010]
Everyone loves crisps, right? (Known as chips in the USA) Everyone loves the crunch as they float on your tongue and the delight when the flavour spreads all…
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