How Wivenhoe are you?

There are many people who think they are Wivenhoe through and through. But few who really are. The How Wivenhoe Are You? quiz separates the Wivenhovians from the Colchestrian townies.

Take the How Wivenhoe Are You? quiz if you dare and see if you really are a Wivenhovian. Do you qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. Now you can know for sure.

Created by: Steve
  1. At the end of the 19th century Wivenhoe had how many pubs?
  2. Francis Bacon, one of the most famous painters of the 20th century, owned a house in which Wivenhoe street?
  3. On Mondays to Saturdays you can park for how long in the free car park opposite The Greyhound pub on the High Street?
  4. The Wivenhoe Fingringhoe Rowhedge Ferry operates during which months of the year?
  5. The Wivenhoe Forum?
  6. Which actress famous for playing Agatha Christie once lived in Wivenhoe?
  7. Wivenhoe resident, the musician and poet Martin Newell, is known as?
  8. There are a total of how many hairdressers and barbers in Wivenhoe?
  9. The BBC used various locations in lower Wivenhoe, including The Village Delicatessen and the Rose and Crown, as settings in which series?
  10. On busy summer weekend afternoons at the Rose and Crown the people who form an orderly queue from the bar and out the side door into the road are?
  11. The Colne Barrier provides protection from tides up to how high?
  12. Who recently bought, renovated and reopened the Black Buoy pub?

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Quiz topic: How Wivenhoe am I?