how will you die?

Everybody at some time, wonders how they will die. although no one can ever be certain you can take this quiz to find out some possibilities based on your life-style.

Maybe your spontaneous or maybe your just down-right mean these are just some indications of how you might die. so come take the quiz you know you want to

Created by: Brittany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do for fun?
  2. Do you do drugs?
  3. What would you're friends say about you?
  4. What career best suits you?
  5. Do Unexplainable things happen to you a lot?
  6. What's you're favorite holiday?
  7. Who's your Idol?
  8. What is most true about you?
  9. Do you have a lot of enemies?
  10. Do you excersise a lot?

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Quiz topic: How will I die?