How will you die!

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Okay, so this is it! It is very random, so don't take it if you have problems, really. There's an occtopuss result, an ice cream one and the other's a secrete.

take different answers for different results. I sincerely put half an hour in this random thing. Please rate and comment if you have a heart that beats for someone.

Created by: iknowiamgr8
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok i'll warn you this is complete randomness, don't sue me if you don't like it! I reapeat- random random random!
  2. So, lets get started! Which is better!?
  3. Where would you live!
  4. Do you know Jason Voorhees?
  5. Are you against honking! (~honk~honk~!)
  6. Christmas is on the corner! Yay!!
  7. What would yoou do on your bf/gf's b-day!?
  8. Do you watch Ben 10? If yes who do you like better-Kevin or Ben?
  9. Is your b-day on 3rd feb?
  10. Do you like phineas and ferb!
  11. please don't piss these are not real results!

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Quiz topic: How will I die!