How will do you know me?

Okay I know we didn't meet (or did we?) but do you want to know how much you know about me? Me too! It's okay if you don't know much because like I said

Before, we didn't meet. These are various questions on well, me! There are two rules: please be nice and have fun! So go ahead check out this quiz! It's my first quiz.

Created by: Alexaiscool
  1. What's my name?
  2. How old am I?
  3. Fave color?
  4. Personality
  5. Style?
  6. Hobby?
  7. Birthday month?
  8. Dream job?
  9. What breed of dog do I have?
  10. What's her name?
  11. What's my favorite movie?
  12. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How will do I know me?

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