How Well Do You Know Your Sci-Fi?

Sci Fi is an awesome genre that seldom disappoints the viewer. Its not all spaceships, lasers and aliens there is most certainly something for everybody to watch.

You may have heard of Star Trek or know it inside out, take this quiz and prove to yourself that you really know some decent Sci Fi series inside and out!

Created by: Dom

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  1. Who created Star Trek?
  2. Jean-Luc Picard was captain in which Star Trek series.
  3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is set on a ...
  4. Who plays Captain James T. Kirk?
  5. In Star Trek: The Next Generation, the ship is an Enterprise-X class. What is X.
  6. Which Star Trek series is the only one with a female captain?
  7. In Star Trek: Enterprise Commander T'Pol is a ...
  8. What is the main goal in each Star Trek series?
  9. Who acts Jack O'Neill in Stargate SG-1?
  10. Samantha Carter begins the series as what rank?
  11. The Stargate Programme is a branch of which part of the military?
  12. Who are the primary antagonists for the first 7 seasons?
  13. The Asguard pose as which type of gods?
  14. What race is Teal'c?
  15. The replicators take the form of mechanical
  16. What is the longest time a stargate can maintain a wormhole without infinite power?
  17. In Battle Star Galactica the human race has been reduced to how many people?
  18. What are Cylons?
  19. How many human colonies are there in total?
  20. The main plot of Battle Star Galactica revolves around
  21. During the series another Battlestar is encountered, which one?
  22. Gaius Baltar is a.
  23. Who is President of the Colonies?
  24. Galactica has how many nuclear warheads to begin with?
  25. Who plays Lee Adama?
  26. The original 1978 series has how many episodes?
  27. In Farscape what is the name of the primary leviathan?
  28. This leviathan is full of escaped prisoners fleeing from who?
  29. What nationality is the guy who plays D'Argo (Anthony Simcoe)
  30. Zhann is what race.
  31. Who plays Aeryn Sun?
  32. Leviathan FTL travel is known as.
  33. Who created the series Firefly?
  34. How many episodes did Firefly run for?
  35. Most of the population speaks two languages, English and...
  36. What is the name of the ship?
  37. Kaylee is the ship's what?
  38. Malcolm Reynolds fought for which side during the Unification War?
  39. Firefly was cancelled by which TV Network?
  40. Which of these series ran for the longest time?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know my Sci-Fi?