How well do you know Winter the Dolphin?

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Winter the Dolphin is an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin who lives at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Clearwater, Florida. She is a wonderful dolphin with a big personality!

Take this quiz to find out how much you know about her! She is a wonderful dolphin and I hope she inspires you how she inspired me! She has been inspiring people since 2005!

Created by: DolphinLover
  1. When was she rescued?
  2. Who found her?
  3. Where did she go?
  4. Why was she rescued and what from?
  5. How old was she when she was rescued?
  6. What happened to Winter a few days after she arrived at CMA?
  7. How did they solve the problem?
  8. What was wrong with the solution?
  9. How did they solve that problem?
  10. Did that solution work?
  11. Has Winter died yet?
  12. If yes, when?
  13. How did she die?
  14. Who were her pool mates when she first arrived?
  15. How old is she now?
  16. What is her movie called?
  17. How many are there?
  18. Thanks for taking this quiz! Winter will be in our hearts forever! RIP Winter!🐬🐬🐬 We will love you forever.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Winter the Dolphin?
