How Well Do You Know Three Steps Constipated?

Helen's back, Helen's back, Helen's back, Helen's back, Helen's back, Helen's back, Helen's back, Helen's back, Helen's back, never mind. I like cheese. Take the stupid test if you want, and if you don't want to, then don't

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Created by: potto

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is St Lynyrd's real name?
  2. St Lynyrd's friend Artimus is described as...
  3. What is the name of Linda's husband?
  4. What is the name of the bar that blows up?
  5. Why does the bar blow up?
  6. Which one of the following people DOESN'T survive the explosion?
  7. The Temple of the Ancient Scarfweaver of Pookaleke is in...
  8. Mark mentions that the temple reminds him of a videogame WHICH HADN'T ACTUALLY EXISTED IN 1994 (when the book is set). Which game is it?
  9. St Lynyrd and Amber notice that something is up when they find WHAT in the pool?
  10. Who doesn't make it out of the Temple?
  11. Aphrodite kills two people. Who are they?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Three Steps Constipated?