how well do you know the warriors

Do you think you know all about the warrior books by Erin Hunter? Well put that to the test with this quiz! It will test you knowledge about the first two series now lets find out just how warrior smart you are!

I don't know what to put here so I will put in a bunch of gibberish so if you will please ignore this paragrah will I so how got you let not guy faces

Created by: maddog12
  1. who is rusty
  2. who is firestars best friend (after joining thunderclan)
  3. who is the clan leader of thunder clan when fireheart joins
  4. where do the clans meet every full moon for a gathering
  5. what is starclan
  6. what is a twoleg
  7. what is the main prey of riverclan
  8. what is the best advantage a windclan warrior would have in a race
  9. who trains with bramble claw in the dark forest (in the new prophecy books)
  10. who died on the way back from the first great journey to sun-drow-place

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the warriors