How well do you know The Vamps

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There is so many people that know the vamps and someone who knows so much about them must be a fan. Are you a vampette? If so, take the quiz and test yourself or your friends.

If you liked the quiz, please recommend it to your friends or someone else. I would appreciate it so freaking much and I hope you will forever stay a fan, be loyal and share them with others since they are so underrated!

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  1. When did the band start?
  2. Who is the lead singer?
  3. Who plays the bass?
  4. Who have birthday April 30th
  5. What is their debut single?
  6. Who started the band?
  7. Who joined last?
  8. Who’s the youngest?
  9. What does Tristan play?
  10. Can Brad rap?
  11. Does any of them have a girlfriend?
  12. Hat is their last name?
  13. How many albums do they have?
  14. What’s the name of their newest album? (2018)
  15. Who’s their manager and photographer?
  16. Who did they collaborate with on “personal”?
  17. What does their fans call themselves?
  18. What is one of the most emotional song?
  19. Which music video did brad show his butt?
  20. Lyrics? “I keep coming back to that moment where it all fell apart”

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Vamps
