How Well Do You Know the Gallagher Girl Books?

If you have read Ally Carter's Gallagher Girl books? Well then step right up and test your knowledge! Come try to answer questions only a true Gallagher Girl would know!

How well do YOU know the Gallagher Girl Books? Do you know the in's and out's of their world? In just a few clicks you will know! THis great quiz will test you to become a true Gallagher Girl!

Created by: Courtney

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who does Cammie fall in love with in "I'd Tell You I Love You?
  2. Who does Cammie tail in GG1?
  3. Who is Cammie's Aunt?
  4. IN GG4 what does Joe Solomon tell Cammie to follow?
  5. What school does Zach go to?
  6. In GG1 who is related to Gilly? The ultimate Gallagher Girl?
  7. What country is Bex from?
  8. What is the terrorist organization that is after Cammie?
  9. Which Gallagher Girl is the next Einstein?
  10. Cammie's mom is a retired.......Agent
  11. In GG3 who is the 3rd person on the roof besides Cammie and Macey?
  12. What does Macey and Cammie fall down in in GG3?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Gallagher Girl Books?