How well do you know the first Harry Potter book?

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take this quiz and see how much of a true potter head you are!!!! and if you don't get it the first time try try again!!!good luck!!!! it's quite easy

answer the Questions as best as you can and we will calculate your results at the end of the quiz.. then you wil see if you know your stuff or if you needa bit of practice

Created by: amelia
  1. Who told Harry he was a wizard?
  2. Who delivered Harry to the Dursleys?
  3. When did Ron and Harry first meet Hermione?
  4. Why did Hermione come to Ron and Harry's compartment on the train in the first place?
  5. What did harry name his owl?
  6. What color was harry's eyes?
  7. what did Vernon Dursley sell
  8. what was the three headed dogs name
  9. what spell did hermione use to fix harry's glasses?
  10. how old was harry when he was accepted into hogwarts?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the first Harry Potter book?
