how well do you know the dragonets of destiny

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do you know the dragonets of destiny and what happens to them their parents injurys and more so fly in and breath your fire on those questions and get a new highscore each time you try

do you know them or not some are of topic but just take a dive in and take a go i am begging for forgivness for all those of topic qustions so please dont get up just take a go and have some fun

Created by: Hadley Legg
  1. how many dragonets are in the prophecy
  2. witch one is overlooked
  3. does starflight like sunny
  4. wich one gets to talk to both of thier parents
  5. 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555doesnt affect your score but who is your favourite
  6. whos ship do you support most (does affect your score but only a little bit)
  7. who nearly dies
  8. now out of topic but STARSPEAKER ALL THE WAY OR NOT
  9. does sunny become a pricess or queen or not
  10. is there a skywing or rainwing in the dragonets

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the dragonets of destiny
