How well do you know the Descendants family

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The Descendants family is pretty important in the series. You might just know one family or maybe all but hopefully none because that's just sad ☹. Good luck and try your best.

This quiz is for everyone even a ghost or a zombie. Just remember the families and you'll hopefully get a good result. Please don't guess though because you'll get a bad result.

Created by: Anagha
  1. Who are Mal's parents
  2. Is Jafar Jay's dad
  3. Who is Evie's mom
  4. What does Maleficent want Mal and her friends todo
  5. What does the evil queen want Evie to do
  6. What did the evil queen give to Evie for the trip
  7. What does Mal get from her mother
  8. What does Maleficent do when the barrier is open
  9. What happens to Maleficent in the end
  10. Good luck with the Result

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Descendants family
