How well do you know The Beatles?

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How well do you know the band known as The Beatles? Test your knowledge and take this quiz! But, before you start, there's something I want you to remember.

Don't brag about good scores. Sure, I want you to feel proud because you got a good score, but there's no need to brag. There's also no need to wine or feel bad about bad scores. If you get a bad score, it just mean you need more practice or it isn't your thing.

Created by: Clara
  1. Who is the oldest Beatle?
  2. Which Beatle sings "Octopus's Garden"?
  3. Who plays bass guitar?
  4. What was John's band first known as?
  5. What are The Beatles also known as?
  6. Which song is sung by The Beatles
  7. Fill in the blank: My independence seems to vanish in the ____
  8. How do you pronounce Paul's name correctly?
  9. Now we're going to try a little more fill-in-the-blanks. Picture yourself in a boat on a _____
  10. Let's try another: I don't understand why she's riding so ____
  11. Last question. Since we started with who is the oldest Beatle... why not ask: who is the youngest Beatle?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Beatles?
