How well do you know the alphabet?

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Hi there, this is my alphabet quiz. So I don't know what to talk about, except the fact that I don't know what to talk about. But that is probably boring.

I wanna spam with the alphabet, but then you could cheat. So I could spam with the Greek alphabet. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta...

Created by: derecho
  1. What letter comes after A?
  2. What letter comes after X?
  3. What letter comes after W?
  4. What letter comes after D?
  5. What letter comes after J?
  6. What letter comes after O?
  7. What letter comes after R?
  8. What letter comes after B?
  9. What letter comes after V?
  10. How many times did you have to sing the alphabet song?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the alphabet?
