How well do you know the Akatsuki? (Naruto)

Hey there I am Narutofanboy2222 I hope you play this quiz It's about the akatsuki you only need to answer 10 questions they are very easy hope you enjoy.

The Akatsuki is a group in Naruto Masashi Kishimoto did a very nice job making the Akatsuki definetly one of my favorite groups in Anime history enjoy the quiz.

Created by: Narutofanboy2222
  1. Which person is apart of the Akatsuki
  2. Which Akatsuki member says art is an explosion
  3. Which Akatsuki member has a sword named samehada
  4. Who is Tobi
  5. Which two Akatsuki members are imortals
  6. Who created the akatsuki
  7. Who took over Yahiko's body
  8. Which Akatsuki member killed Asuma
  9. Does Itachi, Madara, Sasuke, And Obito have a mangekyu sharingan
  10. Does Madara Uchiha, And Obito Uchiha, have rinnegan

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Akatsuki? (Naruto)

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