How well do you know TaeTae (BTS ARMIES)

Confused? Want to know if you are the person (like me) who know's V the best?? Well take this quiz then!! This quiz is going to give you a honest answer (In my opinion).....

This quiz is gonna tell you if you are a true fan of V or just a show off......GET READY FELLOWS AND NO CHEATING OK BE HONEST IF YOU ARE A TRUE ARMY!!

Created by: RO$E
  1. What is V's real name
  2. When was V born?
  3. What would V probably be if he wasn't a BTS member?
  4. Who does V most of the time share his problems to?
  5. When V was a trainee he was talent-less in?
  6. V has?
  7. Except TaeTae V's nick name is?
  8. How many siblings does V have?
  9. V's blood group is?
  10. V's favorite cartoon site is?
  11. V Learned to play?
  12. V's birth place is?
  13. V's horoscope is?
  14. V has lived with his grandmother for?
  15. V played in the series named?
  16. How many girlfriends did V had in his life
  17. V'S height is?
  18. V's Dad and Mom are?
  19. V was a trainee for
  20. (lastly) V's dream was to become a?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know TaeTae (BTS ARMIES)
