How well do you know Septimus Heap?

Septimus Heap is a series of fantasy novels featuring a protagonist of the same name written by English author Angie Sage. In all, it features seven novels, entitled Magyk, Flyte, Physik, Queste, Syren, Darke and Fyre, the first (Magyk) in 2005 and the final (Fyre) in 2013.[1] A full colour supplement to the series, entitled The Magykal Papers, was published in June 2009, and an online novella titled The Darke Toad is also available.

The series follows the adventures of Septimus Heap who, as a seventh son of a seventh son, has extraordinary magical powers. After he becomes an apprentice to the arch ("ExtraOrdinary") wizard of the series, Marcia Overstrand, he must study for seven years and a day until his apprenticeship ends

Created by: VictorBrahtz
  1. Where does Septimus Heap live?
  2. Where does Snorri Snorrelsen come from?
  3. Who is the BoatBuilder?
  4. Who is the ExtraOrdinary Wizard?
  5. Who is Septimus Apprentice to?
  6. Who is Jenna's (real) mother?
  7. What eye color do Wizards have?
  8. (Hard One!) Who is Sarah Heap's Mother?
  9. Which of these are all Septimus Heap books?
  10. (Hard One!) How old is Syrah Syara?
  11. (Harder One!) Syrah Syara has a knowledge of ...... .
  12. (Hardest One!) Who is Syrah Syara apprentice to?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Septimus Heap?