How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez

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Many people are the special "Selena Gomez Super Fans".... Including me off course....And they are some of the people with the best taste in music and in people not that I'm saying you have Horrible taste in music but if your not a Sele Soup Fan you have horrible taste in music....

Wait a minute are you a "Selena Gomez Super Fan"?You can be only if you get a 85 to 100% in this test well I trust that you won't cheat....Please don't cheat;)You can be a SELE SOUP FAN come on go do it already!!!!

Created by: Alexia
  1. When is Selena Gomez's birthday?
  2. What is Selena Gomez's fave color?
  3. How old is Selena Gomez? (2016)
  4. What is Selena's fave food?
  5. What is Selena's middle name?
  6. What is her celebrity crush?
  7. How old was she on her first audition for Wizards of Waverly Place?
  8. Where was she born?
  9. What is her first album?
  10. What is Selena Gomez's first song?
  11. What is Selena Gomez's fave book?
  12. What is her fave movie?
  13. What is her fave month?
  14. She was in Barney when she was younger.
  15. She stared singing on stage at the age of 10.
  16. When she was little her complete bestie was....

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Selena Gomez