How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?

There are a lot of people who love Selena Gomez, but very few who really know everything there is to know about her. Where was she born? When? Why? Who? How?

Are YOU one of those few people? Do know exactly the stuff you need to know about Selena Gomez to TRULY love and adore her? You could never find out, but thanks to this quiz, you will in just a minute!

Created by: Lexie
  1. What is Selena Gomez's middle name?
  2. What is Selena Gomez's birthday?
  3. What album did Selena Gomez release in 2010?
  4. Did Selena Gomez's parents divorce?
  5. What is Selena Gomez's favorite band besides her own?
  6. Where was Selena Gomez born?
  7. When did Selena Gomez meet Demi Lovato?
  8. What show does Selena Gomez star in?
  9. What is Selena Gomez's band called?
  10. How old was Selena Gomez when she became famous?
  11. Last question is: What year was Selena Gomez born in?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Selena Gomez?