How well do you know Ozzy Osbourne?

Ozzy osbourne. the godfather of metal the wizard of ozz the great ozz the madmanthe prince of darkness the blizzard of ozz the man that helped create a genre of music that has influnced many he is the best of them all

do you know ozzy osbourne???? will you be able to take the challenge of this quiz??? let us see how much you know about ozzy osbourne the man the myth the legend!.!.! thank you for your attention

Created by: Big Sexy
  1. what was ozzy's first band
  2. what was the original name of his first band
  3. what is ozzy's real name
  4. what was ozzy's second band named during his first time away from the first band
  5. what was his first solo hit in the usa
  6. what album was the hit from
  7. did ozzy have a wife before he married shannon
  8. which set of guitarists played with ozzy during his solo career
  9. what is ozzy's latest album to date august 2007
  10. what motorhead song did ozzy appear in
  11. who replaced ozzy in his first band

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Ozzy Osbourne?