How well do you know our sponsor? Find out!

There are some sponsors in this world that deserve to be exposed in ways they'd never thought possible. We decided to make a quiz to see how well you know Mrs. Chandler. Only because she's the most, well... sponsor-ish sponsor out there. We love her, so take the quiz!!! and it helps that the quiz is raw. ha

You think you know our sponsor? Do you have what it takes to remember everything about her that you have ever known? Until know you could only wonder, but thanks to two terrific girls who made this quiz you can now know.

Created by: katie
  1. What's her maiden name?
  2. How many years did she cheer in high school?
  3. What's her first car?
  4. Where did she go to college?
  5. How many years has she been married?
  6. How many kids does she have?
  7. When were the devilettes re-established?
  8. How many years has she been a sponsor?
  9. What does she teach?
  10. What do the girls on the team call her?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know our sponsor? Find out!