How well do you know me?

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You are a genius! you have the big brains! You are so smart you know everything it is awesome! So, if you take a test you'll know all the answers.Congratulations those who scored high. Those who did not sorry, but you did a great effort. Keep it up friends!

You are. A big genius you are a very clever genius. You took the right quiz the, genius quiz. If you scored high congratulations, If not i am sorry but you did a good effort.But still keep it up friends!

Created by: Lionspirit
  1. Where do i live?
  2. What Is my real name?
  3. What is my favorite anphibian?
  4. What is my favorite Color
  5. What Is my favorite food?
  6. Do i have eight brothers or ten?
  7. Do i have animals
  8. How old am i?
  9. Does my dad work to help animals?
  10. Am i nice?
  11. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?