How well do you know me?

"I was wondering how much people really know about me. I am always listening to other people but I was curious to see how many people really know me."

"How well do you think you know me. Take the quiz and find out about the faviortes and what I want to be information if you dont already know them. So take the quiz and test your knowlege about me, Sean Kozo"

Created by: Sean Kozo
  1. What is my faviorte band?
  2. What is my faviorte color?
  3. What is my faviorte Video Game?
  4. If I could own and play any instrument what would it be?
  5. What is my faviorte T.V Show?
  6. What is my faviorte gaming system?
  7. My faviorte Super Hero?
  8. If I could have any Super Power what would it be?
  9. What do I want to do as a Career?
  10. If I could live any dream what would it be?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?