How well do you know me

This just a quiz of how well people know me.this is of my real life not the one on this site. So you might get a low score. Unless your someone I know and I have seen you face to face.

My quiz to see if you know me well I doubt it but just try. See my other quizzes I want to level I can be a junior. So yeah please help me and take my quizzes

Created by: Bonnie Fan
  1. What gender am i
  2. I like these emojis but which one do you think I like best
  3. What's my best freinds name
  4. What's one of my favorite video games
  5. What's my other favorite video game
  6. What anime would I watch the most
  7. What race am i
  8. How old am I
  9. What is my stereotype
  10. Where do I live

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me