How well do You know me?

Guess what you gotta figure out how well you know me. Ignore everything from now on because I need to fill in a lot of characters before I can continue which sux but whatever lol blahblah blah blah blah blah

Take This quiz now please Ignore everything from now on because I need a lot of characters before I can continue which sux but whatever lolblah blahblah blah blah

Created by: Donte
  1. What is my Favorite Bible verse?
  2. What is my Favorite Color
  3. What is my favorite snack?
  4. What is my Favorite book in the bible?
  5. What is my favorite flavor?
  6. What denomination am I apart of?
  7. Who is my favorite band?
  8. What is my favorite Church hymn?
  9. What do I wish to major in?
  10. Who do I consider to be the hawtest chrisitan female artist of all time?
  11. What am I more likely to be
  12. What is my favorite type of music
  13. how many kids do I want

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?