How Well Do You Know Me?

Well, well, well. It's hard to keep the quizzes consistent between my six accounts or so, but I'm trying. I want to be more original, though. I've already done two "How Well Do You Know Me" quizzes.

Maybe you can help me out in the comments by telling me what I should do for quizzes. Anyway, I'll see you around. Why are you even reading this? Bye for now.

Created by: Ninefails
  1. What's my favorite subject in school?
  2. Whose alt am I?
  3. Next: Lies or Soul? Which was made earlier?
  4. Do I have an official thread?
  5. If I do have an official thread, what is its name?
  6. Do I watch anime?
  7. What's my favorite face? (Not feeling very creative)
  8. Am I a human?
  9. Do I roleplay? (Last question)
  10. Just kidding, that wasn’t the last question.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?

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