How well do you know Me?

I know I have a decent amount of friends out there, but how many of you actually pay attention to me? I'm curious to know how many of my friends know me as well as they claim

So, do you think you know all there is to know about me? Well, not everything, but a great deal of my personal interests. Just take a few minutes an answer some questions about me. Have fun!

Created by: Lauren
  1. What is my favorite sport?
  2. What grosses me out the most?
  3. What is my favorite drink?
  4. I descibe myself as:
  5. If I where an animal what would I be?
  6. What kind of car do I drive?
  7. Who is my favorite music group?
  8. How many tattoos do I have?
  9. Which part of my body did I remove a piercing from?
  10. My favorite restaurant is
  11. My favorite book series is
  12. If I could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would I go?
  13. What month did Chris and I get married?
  14. What are the names of my cats?
  15. What color are my eyes?
  16. Which T.V. series is my favorite?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Me?