how well do you know Mark Crilley?

How much do you know about American Author/ illustrator/ Cartoonist , Mark Crilley! Let's see what you know about 1 of youtube's greatest artist and instructors. Some questions easy, others weird but all together enjoyable!

To get his books, check amazon for Miki falls, Brody's Ghost, mastering manga 1 and mastering manga 2. You could also find him on facebook (page) by searching : Mark Crilley And twitter: @markcrilley And on instagram : markcrilleyreal

Created by: Kxi11
  1. In what style does Mark Crilley currently draw in?
  2. When is his birthday?
  3. What college did he attend?
  4. What is his wife's name?
  5. Which of these words are used most by Mark?
  6. What game is Mark Crilley's daughter, Mio, very skilled in?
  7. Don't forget the _______
  8. What was marks first youtube video?
  9. Trusty....
  10. How does a turtle ride a bike whilst eating cat nip with chopsticks?
  11. How long did Mark Crilley live in Taiwan?
  12. What is Marks favourite pie?
  13. What happens to Brody on Page 23 of Brody's ghost book 1

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Mark Crilley?