How Well Do You Know The Walking Dead?

Are you brave enough to get through the quiz without cheating and using GOOGLE! I really wish you guys would try this quiz a lot of time and not cheating, learn from your mistakes as a quite says "practice makes perfect"

Are you capable of trying thiz quiz and passing it ? Why be brave enought and get a 70% and higher and comment your grade down in the comment box and please rate it !!!

Created by: AR029972
  1. Who is the "main character"?
  2. Which Women helped Rick more?
  3. Who is the director of this Series?
  4. How many seasons does the "Walking dead" have ?
  5. Who killed shane when he was a "walker"
  6. Who was Ricks Wife?
  7. Who Got killed by an Officer?
  8. Which season did andrea died?
  9. Was this quiz Hard or Easy.
  10. Who is you FAVORITE character?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Walking Dead? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Horror Quiz category.