How Well Do You Know Lil' Ol' Me?

Alright! here we go! This is the final day for the giveaway. Thanks for checking me out these past five days. There's one more cd to go. Please take this quiz!

Let's see how well you know me! These are a few questions that will give you some insight into the true me. Let's see how well you do. Good luck to you! Hopefully you won't need it!

Created by: Myoshi
  1. Where am I from?
  2. I have some favorite shoes. What are they?
  3. What's my nationality?
  4. What kind of jewelry do I like to wear?
  5. Which one of these jobs have I NOT had?
  6. Who's my favorite Superhero?
  7. What kind of music have I NEVER performed?
  8. What kind of class have I NEVER taken?
  9. What album would I have if I was stranded on a desert island and could have only one album?
  10. What special talent do I have?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Lil' Ol' Me?