How well do you know jennifer Lawrence?

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How well do you think you know the beautiful and talented Jennifer Lawrence? Take this gratifying quiz to find out how good of friends you two would be.

Do you know JLaw? Do you think you have what it takes to be her bestie? This quiz will determine how well you know this beauty, and if you would be a good pair of friends.

Created by: Chelsea Bradley
  1. What is her favorite food?
  2. What happened to her when she jumped out of a bus?
  3. Who did she play in The Poker House?
  4. What is her best girl friend's name?
  5. Guy friend?
  6. How many movies has she starred in?
  7. What did she do at a special party?
  8. Did she fall at the 2015 Oscars?
  9. Which cookie did she eat at an afterparty?
  10. Why does she hate losing weight for a movie?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know jennifer Lawrence?