How Well Do You Know Jacksepticeye?

Sometimes I feel I'm alone. The only one that knows this stuff yah know? That's what you get for watching youtube all the time though. I wish we knew more!

Sometimes I feel like these aren't fun. I know you must be a boss because you are doing this. No one else has the will power to be able to do it! I know it is in you.

Created by: (A fellow boss)
  1. How many subscribers does he about have currently in April 2015?
  2. What is his real name?
  3. Who does he love to kill in Happy Wheels?
  4. What color is his hat?
  5. Did he or did he not do the Leg Waxing Challenge?
  6. Are you hyper right know?
  7. How old is he (April 2015)?
  8. Have you liked the quiz so far?
  9. Has he played Far Cry 3 or 4.
  10. Last question! Are you a boss.

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