How well do you know hsm2 songs

There are many people out there who think they know every High School Musica song. You may know you are the biggest High School Musical fan. Are you really the biggest High School Musical fan?

Do you know ALL the High School Musical two songs? Do you watch it enough to kow every song? untill now you could only think. in a few minutes you will fine out. All you have to do is answer a fer questions.

Created by: hsm fan

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  1. what is the pinnapple princess's name?
  2. finish the line... I just dont belong here i hope you understand
  3. who sings i dont dance
  4. finish the line... oh i like what i see
  5. who sings bet on it
  6. who sings every day?
  7. finish the line... the sun will...
  8. what song that has the same tittle troy sings with two sifferent people and two diffrent versions?
  9. what song is this... and im ready for a summer romance?
  10. Wich one of these best describs how well did you do on thi quiz?(will effect results

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Quiz topic: How well do I know hsm2 songs