How well do you know friends?

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Hey, I was updating my website and i decided to make a quiz page. And i love friends so i decided to make a quiz about it. This quiz asks lot's of questions about the friends series.

The questions on the ask a lot about names of people that were on the series among the series. Questions about the different episodes. So i hope you enjoy it. If you want to visit my website were you can also play this quiz and see other fun stuff the name is LittleYou click on the your right. Hope you enjoy it!!!

Created by: Pietra
  1. What animal is Chandler scared of?
  2. What are the names of the 3 women Ross has married?
  3. What's the name of Emma's babysitter?
  4. In what's season did Chandler propose to Monica?
  5. What is the name of Joey's penguin stuffed animal?
  6. What is Phoebe's twin sister's name?
  7. What do Monica and Chandler name their adopted children?
  8. What's the name of the paleontologist who Ross likes and also joined his department?
  9. What are the names of Rachel's 2 sisters?
  10. What is the name of the manager of Central Perk.He also has a crush on Rachel?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know friends?